John Titor
Guy Lochhead, 06/09/10
Forum poster in 2000 and 2001 who claimed to be a time traveller from the year 2036. Titor (originally posting as TimeTravel_0) offered prophecies and information about time travel, including photos of the ‘Gravity Time Displacement Unit’ and its operating manual. The Titor posts have been widely debated considering their origin. Titor’s prophecies have failed a couple of times, but many of them are unfalsifiable if put in the context of the many-worlds theory (or ‘Everett-Wheeler model’) he describes as correct. The pictures are low quality and unhelpful. To me, the whole thing’s an interesting waste of time. A lot of effort has gone into it, and it is an invitation to further debate a theory that hasn’t yet been solidly disproved, so I’m not too adverse to including it in some small way – the existence of the ‘Fighting Diamondbacks’ (shotgun infantry unit he was part of, aged 13, apparently) or his insignia, for example.

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