Cyrus Teed
Guy Lochhead, 02/09/10
Teed, or ‘Koresh’, was an American physician turnedself-proclaimed messiah figure, and founder of Koreshanity, after a near-death electrocution in 1869. His religion posited that the Earth was hollow and humans lived inside it, held in place by centrifugal force, beneath a battery-operated sun. Followers also believed in immortality and reincarnation – Koresh’s body was propped in a bathtub for two days after his death as his followers waited for his reanimation, before the police forced his burial. He founded a Utopian commune, the Koreshan Unity, in New York in the 1870s. The last remaining follower, Hedwig Michel, died in 1981. This doesn’t really have any relevance to the films. There’s not a grain of plausibility (‘grain’!), and including it would be giving it some level of respect. It would have been funny if it was called ‘Koreshtianity’.

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